A Prosperity Blessing and A New Look

Hey, Friends!

Thanks so much for being a part of this blog!  It’s been a while.  I wanted you to know that I haven’t completely given up on this blog!  Life can get busy!  I am so grateful for you!

I’ve been trying to start a new blog  — A Pattern To Follow  — check it out!  In the interim, I would like to try and add new content here too.  It will be a work in progress that will include a cleaner look and lots of changes that I’m still learning!  I hope you’ll be patient with me as I work toward this.  Running two blogs can be overwhelming!  I have so much to learn about ‘proper’ blogging!  LOL

Thanks for hanging in with me and I hope to see you sooner than later!  In the meantime….. I wanted to leave you with this awesome Prosperity Blessing I found.  May you be blessed!

A Prosperity Blessing

May you be blessed with an amazingly abundant day today!

May the clouds break and the heavens pour down upon you more joy, more love, more laughter and more money than you could have ever dreamed of.

May the sun shine its golden light of prosperity through every cell of your extraordinary body.

May you be cleansed today of any resistance or feelings of unworthiness that you may still be holding onto.

May your false illusions of doubt, fear and scarcity gently fall away like soft white feathers on a gentle breeze.

May you be willing, simply willing, to allow the Universe to shower you with miracles today.

May the Angels wrap you in their shining wings of opulence.

May the fairies deliver you to their pot of gold at the end of a majestic rainbow.

May your eyes shine with the glorious truth of who you really are and may that truth uplift others in your presence to their own inner knowing.

May your ears hear the sound of perfection ringing in your soul.

May you taste the deliciousness of every precious bite of life as your day unfolds moment by moment with amazing grace, heartfelt love and a bounty of magnificent money.

As this day ends, may you slumber wrapped in an exquisite blanket of enduring peace and profound gratitude.

And may the last words you speak today be Thank You!

Veronica M. Hay

I Am Grateful!  How Are You?

Getting The Strength Back in My Legs

Day 4~

Today I’m grateful for my legs.  The last year or so has been kind of a difficult one for my legs.

Once again, chemo seemed to wreck havoc on my body as far as my legs go.  Well…. let’s at least say my knees…. but when your knees aren’t functioning well, it affects the way your legs work!  After recovering from chemo, my arthritis kicked into full gear in my knees and the pain was beginning to be unbearable.

I was told 10 years ago when I had my knees scoped that I was bone on bone on my right knee and that I would eventually need a replacement.  Well….. I finally gave in this last August, after another scope of my knees in April wasn’t successful,  and had my right knee replaced.veins_legs

Recovery seemed to go a little slower than I had hoped, but for some reason, after we got back from our cruise last week, the swelling subsided quite a bit and I’ve been feeling so much better!  My physical therapist told me today that I was progressing more like someone that was 12 or more weeks out and I’m really only about 9 weeks out.  It’s amazing how much more you can function when that swelling goes down!  I was having a difficult time getting around on the cruise last week, but we did so much more walking than I had been used to.  Perhaps working those muscles out helped, but it took a few days with several hours off my feet to make that swelling go down.

Today I felt like I was walking fairly normal with very little and only occasional pain.  I’m finally able to get up out of a chair without having to pull myself up with my arms.  I feel like things are much easier for me to do and I feel encouraged about the upcoming Holiday season feeling like that I will be able to get a lot more done this year than I’ve been able to for a couple of years.  It’s a great feeling and makes me appreciate my legs and what they do for me!

Getting the strength back in them and getting back to normal activities is truly a reason to rejoice!  They say it takes a full year to get complete full range of motion and muscle strength back…. but I can tell I’m headed there and I’m grateful for that!

I Am Grateful!  How Are You?

The Better To Eat You With My Dear!

Day 3 ~

What would I do without my teeth?  Well… I’m sure I’d have false ones if I lost my own, but I’m grateful I have my own!

Having experienced loved ones who have dealt with dentures and really hated them…. I’m very grateful for my own teeth.  I don’t think I can really understand or relate to what it’s like to not be able to chew the way you used to with your own teeth, and to have to take them out and clean them daily and to experience ‘bitter beer face’ in the mirror…..  just a few of the inconveniences of dentures.

My Dad used to get a big kick out of taking out his dentures and teasing the Grandkids with his bitter beer face, and they loved it.  They thought he was pretty funny…. and funny looking.White-Teeth

Most people with dentures are not comfortable with others seeing them without their teeth, but a handful make it a game…. and that was my Dad.  For me, however…. I’m afraid I would be one who didn’t want others to see me that way.

My teeth my not be picture perfect, but they are very functional and do what they need to do and that’s something to be truly grateful for!  I’m grateful I’m able to chew my food enjoy the texture and taste (though taste is a whole other topic for gratitude!).  That’s part of the joy of eating… chewing our food.  (At least for people with their own teeth.)  They have also come in handy as scissors on occasion.  LOL  I’ve bitten off a few clothing tags in my day.

Taking bite out of a juicy apple would be hard to do without them!  And of course…. they make smiles much nicer to look at!  I’m grateful for them and have plans to always keep them!

I Am Grateful!  How Are You?

Grateful for Cancer? Well…. Yes! Thank You, Cancer!

I’m WELL over due for a post.  It’s amazing how I can allow little things to take up my time when I could be blogging instead.  Sadly…. I forget how much I enjoy it till I do it.

Today I read a post from a friend on Facebook.  It’s an open letter to her cancer fight that she just went through.  It’s so beautifully written and said so many of the things that I felt while I was on my own battle with cancer that I asked her if I could share it here.

Before I do…. let me first give a long overdue update on my own condition.  I am 18 months out past my last treatment.  I go in for my semi-annual scan/check up next week.  I’ve been feeling great in that aspect.  Though I’ve been dealing with some digestive issues (which I’m completely blaming on diet) and some bad joint pain (which is because of age AND chemo…..)….. I’m doing great!  We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of our first grand child which I’m SURE I will blog about shortly!  But really, life is great!

10.16-Be-GratefulBelow is the open letter my friend Lori Rees posted on her Facebook page.  It explains so wonderfully that even though going through cancer is not fun….. you learn so much and are truly blessed in SO many ways!  With permission, here is Lori’s letter:

An open letter to my Cancer:
Dear Cancer,
I am writing today because I feel like I haven’t told you how I feel about having had you in my life, and I hate to leave any relationship unresolved.
You came into my life when I least expected you. I had never felt more healthy-physically, mentally and spiritually. How ironic, right? Well, thank you for choosing such a time to arrive. My body had been building a fortress and I was prepared.
Actually, there are many things for which I would like to thank you.
Thank you for introducing yourself so clearly. I knew you were an alien visitor when I felt you for the first time. I knew I couldn’t wait to introduce you to my doctor, and take a closer look.
Thank you for allowing me to meet such amazing professionals at Huntsman, who gave me wonderful advice, re-assurance, and care.
Thank you for allowing me to meet other patients who inspired me and helped me along the way.
Thank you for showing me the kindness of complete strangers who offered hugs.
Thank you for re-connecting me with friends who reached out and encouraged me, and showed me such love.
Thank you for letting me accept help from my neighbors and friends, who cooked meals for us, mowed our lawn, and checked up on our family. That vulnerability is sometimes difficult to give in to. But I realized that accepting that love, support and help from others, is healing for all involved.
Thank you for showing me how strong a mother’s love is. My mother stepped in and didn’t allow me to lift a finger with laundry or housework. Thank’s Mom!
Thank you for showing me how important it is to do what I love to do.
Thank you for teaching me that being present in every moment is what I should always strive for. Every day counts. Every moment counts. Cliche? Maybe. But true.
Most of all, thank you for the realization that I am much stronger than I ever thought I was.
During our relationship, I never gave you any points or credit for anything. But I suppose I ought to have given you one. You get one point for my hair. I loved mine, and I miss it. I had worn short hair for 20 years, and one day, decided to grow it out. It took 7 years to get it long and luscious, and I was having fun with it. I am an actress, and I loved my “new look,” as I was just gaining my stride, getting back into the business. So you can chalk that one up, and know you knocked me down a peg, but you didn’t take anything else away from me. I can say that with confidence. You were never allowed to take away my optimism, my determination, or my spirit of adventure. And you certainly didn’t take away my talent.
So, who won? I guess it’s a matter of perspective. If your intent was to take my life, literally, or figuratively, then you lost. Big-time. But if you intended to show me a few things about myself and others; if you wanted to keep me on my toes, then you won. Either way, I get to be a better person for it.
So, as I say goodbye, know that I have no contempt for you. I don’t blame you for wanting to know me. I’m a pretty great gal! But I must ask you to respect my wishes and never return. I think we both gained all we could in this relationship. Let’s not make it messy, by dragging it out.
Lori Rees, Survivor.

Isn’t that beautifully written? I absolutely love it!  And I can relate to every bit of it (other than my treatments were with Cancer Specialists at IMC and my own Mom was too old to help…. though believe me, she would have if she could have!).  This is brilliant.  I wish my thoughts had been so clear.  If you are, by chance, interested in reading about my own battle with Hodgkins Lymphoma…. click on the “When Your Life Hits a Wall” tab at the top of the blog. When you hover over the tab, you’ll see many additional pages with all the updates.  I’ve numbered them so you can read them in order if you’d like.

While cancer sucks, as we all know…..  having a good attitude about the journey helps immensely! I’m so grateful that I did and that people like Lori can inspire us all to look at it with a positive attitude! Thanks for letting me share, Lori!  There are lessons in almost everything around us in life if we look for them!  As the old song says…. “Look For The Silver Lining”.

I Am Grateful! How Are You?

New Reliable Car

I have been blessed with so much in my life lately!  Even through the sad and hard times, there are blessings.

Last May, I was fortunate enough to have enough money to buy a new car. Today we returned from a road trip where we put in over 1200 miles on that car.  Thankfully it was a new!  Though the car we traded in had been a pretty good car and wasn’t terribly old, we still felt it was time to get something new and reliable.

Now mind you…. in all my life, I have NEVER driven a brand spanking new car off a car lot as my own.  (However, My Dad did spoil me while I was in high school and bought a new car for me to drive, but it wasn’t technically mine)  This car is mine!

You have to understand….. I married an auto mechanic.  He doesn’t believe in buying new cars.  He’s never felt it was worth it.  Most of the cars we have had in our married life have been used cars.  In most cases…. fairly well used.  But he’s always taken care of them.  The closest thing we got to a new car was the one just before this one.  It was a 2006 Chevy Impala that we bought late in 2006, but it was used.  27,000 miles to be exact.  That’s a lot of miles for a car less than a year old!  But it served us fairly well.  Though we did have a few problems that needed attention, including an intermittent starting problem that my husband couldn’t seem to find the problem to, it was never anything major.  Hence, when I got my inheritance money, we decided to use some of it to buy a reliable car.

Here's me in my new Chevy Equinox back in May
Here’s me in my new Chevy Equinox back in May

We’ve put a few miles on that new Chevy Equinox since May.  Mostly trips for softball tournaments!  (LOL) My husband and I were talking about that today as the mileage turned to 10,000.  I can’t believe it has that many miles already!  Makes me kind of sad.  But we sure have enjoyed the car.

I’m grateful I was in a position to be able to buy a new car.  My goal is to be able to do that every 5 years of so.  Because, even my husband has agreed that having a reliable car that even he doesn’t need to worry about is an OK thing.

I Am Grateful!  How Are You?

Grateful to Be Here

One year ago this last month, a wake up call came into my life.  This last year has been quite a journey.  While much of it has not been fun…. I have come through it amazingly well and I am just so grateful to be here!

No one EVER wants to hear the big ‘C’ word!  Not a fun thing…. but it seems it’s so prevalent in our world today.  It comes in many different ways.  Mine, gratefully, was a very curable kind.  But even so…. the diagnosis doesn’t come without some trepidation.

Grateful to Be Here!
Grateful to Be Here!
(photo courtesy of FreeDigitalPhotos.net)

Last week, at the ball park after my boys game, I was reminded that it was one year ago in June that we asked all the kids to sit down after the game so we could ‘break it to them gently’.  I’ve never really asked them what was going through their minds at the time.  I know they were worried and concerned.  I do remember when I asked my daughter if she could come over to the boys game that night, knowing that I had been in the Emergency room a few days prior,  she said, “Why?  Are you dying?”  On the night of the game, I didn’t have a diagnosis of what kind of Lymphoma I had…. just that I had it.  The doctor had advised me to wait till the biopsy had been done and I met with the Oncologist to determine what type of Lymphoma it was.  I had said that I could do some research on the internet about it and he suggested that I didn’t.  He said there are so many different kinds of Lymphoma that it will just confuse and possibly even scare me.  He thought it best to wait for a definite diagnosis. So I did.  However…. I know my kids did not!  They did some research online and I think it may have led to a little anxiety in them.

Gratefully…. I was diagnosed with Non Hodgkins Lymphoma.  Even though after some extensive testing it turned out to be Stage 4, I never felt doom and gloom.  I was confident we could kick this one.

My year has been one of many mixed emotions.  I’m so grateful that I was able to maintain a positive attitude and that I had a wonderful support system around me.  Perhaps the most amazing thing to me was that through social media. I was dumbfounded by the love and support that was expressed to me!  Because I made my journey very public through my blog…. I constantly felt the love and support that I needed.

I’m so grateful for friends and family that have seen me through this.   I won’t go into more detail here about my journey.   You can read more about it on this blog under the “When Your Life Hits A Wall” tab.  There are several entries there  that you’ll have to scroll down to read if you want to read about the whole saga.  🙂

I just wanted to express my gratitude for making it through.  For being here! For all the love and support that I felt from everyone, including my Father in Heaven.  Life is wonderful and I still have many years ahead of me.  I know keeping an ‘Attitude of Gratitude” will continue to bless my life and those around me.  Who knew that starting this blog would be such an important part of getting me through this?  Not me… that’s for sure!

You know how you hear to make sure you take to time to tell people you love them?  Well, this is one of those times!  I am so grateful for and love my family, friends, neighbors and even all of you!  You’ll never know just how much.  Thanks for sending me your energy and prayers.  All is well!

I am Grateful!  How are You?

Blessings Unmeasured!

As I lay in bed this morning, my thoughts turned to the many things I’ve been blessed with in my life and I became overwhelmed with gratitude! I truly have a wonderful life!

I’ve been blessed with so many opportunities over my life that have brought me so much happiness!  I’m particularly happy today for where my life is at right now.  Even facing the health challenges I am currently facing….. I am so blessed!  I couldn’t ask for a better more loving or supportive husband.  He IS the best.  I love him so much and appreciate all he does for me which is way above the call of duty!  Thank you, John for entering my life!  You are the best thing that has ever happened to me.  Your children could not ask for a better Father and they will all attest to that!

I have 3 wonderful children who I adore.  They are the joy of my life.  I love them so much and know that they can achieve anything they want to in this life.  I pray for them and hope that THEY know they can achieve their dreams!  They are truly wonderful people….. smart, witty, good looking, helpful and loving.  I could go on….. but I won’t lest I give them big heads.  <grin>

I am so grateful to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  It has brought me so much joy and comfort over the years!  One of the many advantages of being a member is having a Ward family.  That’s the unit of the church that you are assigned to in the area you live in.  We meet weekly as a Ward for our Sunday meetings and worship together and lift one another up.  I have been blessed to live in three areas during our marriage and all with terrific Wards and people!  It’s been hard to leave each area when we moved just because of that!  The people I have met and associated with in each area have all been a blessing in my life!  And that includes other neighbors and friends around that weren’t/aren’t members of the church.  We’ve been blessed to live in some great neighborhoods.

Though John and I would like to get out of the condo situation we are currently in….. for reasons that apply to ‘rules’ and the fact that there are a couple of things a home would have that we don’t have here…..  I truly do love my condo!  It’s beautiful and comfortable and provides us with all the necessities of life.  Again, we have great neighbors and friends here and we know we are loved.

I love that John is retired and that we are not tied down to jobs that dictate when we can do things.  We are able to pursue other things both in fun and in making money.  (Which is still a work in progress….)   Time is such a blessing to us.  Though I don’t use it all as wisely as I would like to, I have that option.  Again… truly blessed.

I had a great family life growing up.  I had/have wonderful friends and wonderful precious memories.  I have a terrific family and though I didn’t feel I was really close to my siblings growing up, I have that sense now.  Even though I don’t see my brothers as much as my sisters…. I feel a closeness to them.  I’m grateful for all of them.  My parents were great.  It’s hard to see them get old!  I miss my Dad terribly…. especially in the summer when I long for his vegetable garden and fruit trees!  I miss his silly sense of humor and his loving ways.  I’m just grateful to know that I will see him again someday.  I’m grateful for my Mom.  It’s hard to see dementia setting in.  I don’t spend as much time with her right now as I would like to and feel I should because of my health issues.  Though I do have good days and just need to get out there!  If  I lived a little closer, I know that would be easier for me.  I’m so thankful to my sisters for being there for her!  I know they are wearing themselves out!  I hope to get back on the schedule soon for regular visits.

Wow.  I’m blessed with such awesome friends! Both near and far.  They love and care about me so much.  I just wish we could all see each other more…. but I’m so thankful that we stay in touch!

I’m so grateful for music in my life and how much joy it has brought me in so many ways!  I love to perform and have had some wonderful opportunists to do so.  I have met so many amazing people through my journey with music and theater.  All friends that I love and adore!

I know the Lord is blessing me with my health right now.  I am improving daily and know that I will get through this chemo stuff with flying colors!  I know He has plans for me to stick around for a long time!  It just needs my effort in finding out exactly what those plans are!  It is amazing how a health issue like this will make you think deeply about things that you may not have before.  I’m grateful for the time I’m taking to learn and study about things….. particularly about health and self improvement.

I have a great life!  There’s always things out there that we all wish we had or hope to have someday.  I have those dreams too…. but I truly feel gratitude for where I am right now and what I have….. and as my images says in today’s post….  “Gratitude turns what we have into enough!”

What a wonderful time of year to have these feelings.  They just need to be carried on everyday in my life.  Perhaps it’s time to drag out that gratitude journal again and start reminding myself everyday of what I have to be grateful for!  The list could go on and I haven’t even come close to saying it all here.  I just felt I should be thankful for the things that were meaning so much to me at the moment.  Just recognizing that where I am and what I have is enough!

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!  I hope you will take the time to be grateful for your life, just the way it is!  Know that we are all here to learn, and the experiences we are going through at the moment are only for our growth and betterment!  Find out what lesson you are to be learning through it!  Hang onto that gratitude and it will pull you through!

I am Grateful!  How are you?

Little Old People Make Me Happy!

Oh boy….. what fun it is to talk to the little old men at my Mom’s Assisted Living place!  I was cracking up.

I took my Mom down to eat her lunch in the dining room this afternoon.  I got her all settled and was just watching some of the other residents as they came in.  It was interesting to see their faces and how they were feeling.  Some of them seemed cheerful…. others not so much.  The one cute lady at the table next to my Mom was helping to scoot the chairs in of the ladies that sit with her.  It was great.  I asked her if she needed my help to push her own chair in and she said… “No!  Oh…. not with my butt!”  I couldn’t help but giggle!  Just as a side note…. I’m pretty sure this was the same  little lady I ran into in the laundry last week that was confused about her own laundry and was trying to do my Mom’s laundry.  She’s as healthy as a horse…. but not so cognizant any more!  Cute and funny though!

Then I was standing there by my Mom helping her decide what to order for lunch and one of the little old men at the table next to hers pointed at me and motioned for me to come over there.  He said…. “I just got through shaving my face and I want you to feel what a good job I did!”  Again…. another giggle!  What a cutie.  He sits at a table with all men so a conversation began about shaving…. or not.  Another little man told me how he went to get his hair cut the other day (mind you… there isn’t much there to cut!) and the girl charged him $12 just to buzz his head!  Then he proceeded to tell me how he used to work for ZCMI in the clothing department and he had to be dressed up all the time.  He used to go get his hair cut in ZCMI for a lot less than that!  The first man told him that he was going to open up a barbershop of his own since he could shave himself so well, he would do it for the others.  “No way am I letting you shave me!” the other man said.  Of course, another man at the table with a full beard was just shaking his head.  It was pretty entertaining to watch.  Made my day.

It amazes me how much these people can be affected by their attitudes.  My Mom’s attitude is usually fairly cheerful…. but since she took a fall the other day…. she’s had on her ‘ornery pants’!  Being in pain can’t be fun, that’s for sure.  Perhaps that’s why I took such a delight in watching some of the other patrons being cheerful.

It’s a shame that more people can’t see the joy and fun that these people can be and give.  I don’t know how much each of these residents see their families… but I hope it is often.  They all have so much to teach us if we will only just watch and learn and listen.

I’m grateful that I have been available the last couple of days to come help my Mom.  Ornery pants and all….  I’m grateful to be able to visit with some of the other residents too.  I’m glad Mom is in such a wonderful place that gives her good care and is full of other cheerful residents.

I’ve always loved ‘old people’.  When my husband and I got married we lived in an area we considered to be the “Newlyweds or the Nearly Deads”.  There wasn’t much between our age group and the ‘older’ people in the neighborhood, so I became endeared to those older folks.  I truly loved them and was a little sad when we moved away.  (Ironically…. those ‘old’ folks were about the age of my husband and I right now!!  It’s all Perception!!)  Now those same people that I loved so much are dying off and in Assisted Living centers like my Mom.

I guess what I’m trying to say is… I’ve always loved older people and consider it a blessing to learn at their feet.  Maybe part of that comes from not having Grandparents as I grew up.  My Grandparents all passed by the time I was 9 years old, so I didn’t have anyone to turn to for wisdom and counsel as a young adult.  Regardless of what makes me feel that way…..  I know there is much to be learned from Little Old People!  So ‘turn up your Bell Tones’ and listen in!

I am Grateful!  How are You?

Discovering My Genius

Wow…. what an amazing weekend I’ve just been through!  I don’t know if you believe that things are put in our path for a purpose…  but I do.

I had the opportunity to attend the Genius Bootcamp this weekend.  This workshop is hosted by Thoughtsalive.com  ….  the website of Leslie Householder, author of The Jackrabbit Factor.  I was introduced to Leslie and her book back in September of last year.  Ever since reading it and discovering her website, I have wanted to attend one of these bootcamps.

Things don’t always work out like you would hope in order to do something like this…. but providence was on my side and made a way possible at the last minute to attend this bootcamp at an incredible price.  I am so grateful!

Not only did I learn a lot about myself these last few days…. I met some pretty amazing people that I know without a doubt that I was meant to meet.  Not only will many of these people help me in obtaining the goal that I focused on this weekend, but I feel I will have a continuing association with them for not only my benefit…. but the benefit of many other people.

It’s humbling to know that the Lord really knows and watches out for you…… especially when you are paying attention.  In fact, I guess that is why I was humbled…. I was paying attention!

I am so grateful for the things I’ve learned the last two days.  It gave me a chance to look inside myself for a while and realize a little of who I am and who I need to become.  I’ve known for a while that I’m a little scared of myself.  Perhaps that why I’m not good at praising myself and recognizing my strengths in other areas except the obvious ones to me.

Now, that may not make a lot of sense to you…. but I know my strengths where performing talents are concerned…. but when it comes to things outside of that…. I have a tendency to either not recognize it or shrug it off.  I’m in such desperate need of embracing my strengths and learning to use them to be a good influence on people!  I know I have more to give than I am currently giving.

I learned a lot about gratitude this weekend too.  It may seem odd for someone who has been blogging about gratitude for over a year now to ‘learn’ something about it….. but I did.

I am so grateful for the people who were put in my path today.  There wasn’t one person in that workshop today that I didn’t learn something from.  Though I connected on a much deeper level with a few of them…. I learned something from every person there.  What a fulfilling weekend!  It’s introduced me to other people that I feel I need to learn more from!  My book list to read and the workshops I want to attend have been added to tremendously.

I’m grateful that I have reached a point in my life that I have become the student who wants to learn so much and that the teachers are being put in my path!

I’m excited, though maybe a little scared, to pursue what is ahead of me.  To be able to learn what I need and desire to learn.  I just wonder why it took me so long to get here!  That is the one regret I have and even wonder at times if I’m too old to be pursuing some of these things!  But I guess the timing is right for me!

I hope for the sake of many of you, my readers,  that you may find that desire to find your full potential now…..at a much younger age than I!  You will bless so many more lives by doing so…. but more importantly your own!

I’m just grateful I’m now on the path to discovering my genius!  When will you discover yours?

I am Grateful!  How are You?